A Break from Life

Let's start off with my Finals from the end of last semester! What you see above is a series of Portland Postcards I did for my Design and Image Final. They're all done in a sepia, old west style in juxtaposition to the city elements to reflect how I feel living in this city. If you like them you can buy them as regular Postcards HERE or you can get them as prints, ipod/iphone skins, tote bags and other things HERE
My Visual Vocabulary Final was a pin up of the 'villain' of my story Good Time Charlie, Marcus Daly.  He was a Copper King during the 1890s, the owner of the Anaconda Mining Company, founder of Anaconda, MT and he built his mansion in Hamilton, MT in 1896.  It's kind of a companion piece to THIS one I did of Nathan (the second main character of my story.)
You can find prints of this HERE
Last on my list of finals, was this series of Propaganda Posters I was trying to create for the awesome people at the Bitterroot RC&D. Initially I was going to make one good poster, redesign their logo, and jump start this series of images that they could post around town. It turned into three mock ups and the logo took a back seat. I'm hoping that I can go back and fix a bunch of stuff and finish their logo over the summer. I grew up in their office, so I believe whole heatedly in what they do, and what every RC&D does across the nation, but I also know that not a lot of people know what RC&Ds are or what they do for communities.
For more information about the Bitterroot RC&D (located in Hamilton, MT)  go HERE.
 and For more information about National RC&Ds go HERE.
A quick little image I did before going home for Christmas Break. 
For Christmas, I received a brand spanking new computer all decked out from the Greatest Grandmother EVER <3
I've named her (the computer) The Tank. For good reasons. I won't bore you with specifics, but I rendered and exported a 4 min video in less than a minute. Ya, she's bad ass.  
Here are a few of the first works in progress that I did on this beautiful machine of godliness. 
The first finished doodle I did with The Tank, based on a wonderful Wreck-It Ralph fan fiction you can find  HERE
I also bought me a big, beautiful, beast of a motorcycle over break. Her name is Lazarus, and she's a 1980 Suzuki  850GL. She's a big baby, and lord does she sound sexy. Unfortunately due to weather conditions, I couldn't bring her back to Portland with me. However, I'm planning a trip during Spring Break when I'll get to drive her the 500+ miles  back to Portland (or in this case 700+ miles because I'm gonna drive the pass that goes through Southern Idaho rather than Fourth of July Pass) . 
I'm a bit excited to drive her back. ha. 
I was supposed to leave on Thursday, Jan. 10th but when I woke up that morning, this is what greeted me outside my window.  We accumulated a minimum of 10" that day. I had to postpone my return trip to Saturday. I think Montana didn't want me to leave.
When I finally made it back to Portland, the lovely Sumer Mattison down at Dark Star Tattoo in Vancouver, did me the kindness of tattooing this behind my ear. Do you remember that doodle I did of a Bull a year ago? Yep. It's finally on my body forever. It shall stay as a reminder of my wonderful and stubborn Grandmother, Janette Swenson, who raised me and was my best friend for a very long time. She passed away in October of 2011. She was the strongest woman I have ever or will ever know. 
I also made an adventure to Cape Meares Lighthouse near Tillamook, OR with the awesome  Jonathan Gregg, and acted as Paparazzi ^u^. 
A few sketches of my beautiful niece, from my sketchbook.
Last but not least, I'm taking a Printmaking class this semester! Here are a few of my more successful prints that I did last week. 

Life is busy! For now, I hope you enjoyed this update, and I hope to see you guys next week with a bit more work to share! Have a good rest of the week!