A Digital Reunion

Finished the soldier guy painting, can we just ignore those half-rendered skulls and look at that bad ass background I pulled off ? heck yes! 

And of course this wouldn't be complete without another in progress shot of the next painting, for the lovely Kate :) 

A little flash from the past, yeah Captain Planet like a boss! 

And you can't forget the celebration drawing, because after a VERY long year without my Intous 4 I was playing around with it the other day and FIXED it like a mad genius. This picture basically sums up my dramatic feelings of being reunited with my baby. 

A portrait of the pretty Manda Carter, for her birthday 

A little snippet of the in progress and the finished Alternative Cover I made for 'Titan Magic' by Jodi Lamm, which is an INCREDIBLE book with lots of wonderful twists, it's amazing and I highly recommend you go check it out on Kindle, it's only $3 and totally worth $20. 

and last but not least a couple of bad photos of what's going on in my giant sketchbook