Deer and Green Dresses

My Analogous Painting for Illustration Painting B
I started out very optimistic on this, I really did. I was excited, and I become very detail oriented and obsessive about getting things perfect. So, instead of working the entire painting, I worked on parts. So, I spent 4 hours painting the dress, and it shows, but by the time I finished painting the dress to my satisfaction it was 3 in the morning and I had to sacrifice the quality of the rest of the painting so I could get some sleep. The bottom image is what I ended up turning into my teacher the next day. I plan on repainting just about everything except the dress when I get it back, because it has the potential to be awesome it just hasn't gotten there yet, because -like all other art college students- I fail at time management when I'm at home. 

And a progress painting we're doing right now where we do multiple poses 20-40min at a time and we have to arrange them on the page together without knowing what the next pose will be... it's quite frustrating.