And so it begins..

I'm on the third week of my last year of school guys. Both semesters are just like big ol' countdowns and it's just kind of nerve wracking ya know, I wanna just be in the middle of it already. Right now we (my peers and I) are all going through the kind of pre-thesis process, where we kind of get a more concrete idea of what drives our work. Creating mood boards etc. We, don't start digging into nailing down what we want to do until about week 6, when our first proposal draft is due. 
ANYWAY here's a few things that I've been up to:: 

"If you can't run with the Big Dogs, Stay on the Porch"
Just a little reminder to myself as I enter thesis.

Some Llamas for fun

A little research for my first Symbols project in Advanced Illustration

I feel like the people who go to art school just use it as an excuse to dress however they fuck they want/as outlandish as possible. 

A few doodle of bewildered faces that mirror my feels right now.

Last Monday I took a little trip to Kidney Lake out in North Bonneville, WA to take a small break from school work. The 'lake' was more like a pond, it definitely looks bigger on the map.  But, it was good to get away from the city for a little while.