Mountain Men and Bluegrass Music

As I promised last week, here is the finished images. The first being a twist on Beauty and the Beast.
The concept is that the Mountain Man (the Beast) traded for the Indian Bride (Beauty) in her village and now they're on their way to his "castle."
The concept of forced marriage is what the original fairy tale is based on. Also in the original, the Beast didn't transform until after the wedding night, which references the frightening experience of having to marry someone you don't know, who might turn out to be an abusive drunkard or a nice man.
This particular image is dedicated to my wonderful Grandmother for being such a supportive figure through my life. 

The second being the finished image for the Musical Idiom Project. "Bluegrass" I wanted to depict that Iconic Banjo, with a reference to the valley I grew up in by rendering Bitterroot Flowers, and of course the gnarled wood fence in the background referencing the old roots of Bluegrass music. 

An assignment based on a memory, from childhood. "Summer Toes" 

This week's Visual Vocabulary Journal Prompt: "Altar"
Kind of making a juxtaposition of somewhat funny tones to serious ones.
A "the body is an altar" idea to the kind of "Soldier's Altar" idea. 

A couple more pictures from my adventure to Mount St. Helens last weekend.