Deer and Green Dresses

My Analogous Painting for Illustration Painting B
I started out very optimistic on this, I really did. I was excited, and I become very detail oriented and obsessive about getting things perfect. So, instead of working the entire painting, I worked on parts. So, I spent 4 hours painting the dress, and it shows, but by the time I finished painting the dress to my satisfaction it was 3 in the morning and I had to sacrifice the quality of the rest of the painting so I could get some sleep. The bottom image is what I ended up turning into my teacher the next day. I plan on repainting just about everything except the dress when I get it back, because it has the potential to be awesome it just hasn't gotten there yet, because -like all other art college students- I fail at time management when I'm at home. 

And a progress painting we're doing right now where we do multiple poses 20-40min at a time and we have to arrange them on the page together without knowing what the next pose will be... it's quite frustrating. 

In Memory of Dao

In Memeory of Dao Slagter. 

My dear friend was killed in a car accident early this morning. She was only a Senior in High School. 

Life is Precious.

I had such a hard time trying to draw her today, it took me two tries to get close and it still doesn't feel like I did her justice. She was just so gorgeous. I ended up going with the top one since it was the closer resembling of the two. I just can't believe she's gone.

Got Skillz?

A Portrait of an Old Classmate annnnd I finally jailbroke my Tablet so now I have Android 4.0. I was doodling in sketchbook pro last night and below is what occurred from it. I'm kind of impressed with myself right now because it is more difficult to draw on it than I was anticipating, but after a while you kind of pick up the knack of it.

By Hazy Morning Lights

The Lines and Digitally Colored Doodle I did waiting for my meeting with my Art History teacher about my Final Paper for his class... which -by the way- is about World War II United  States Army Foot soldier uniforms and their evolution from fancy useless things to practical garments .... I don't know about you but I'm super excited lol

Instead of talking more about my obsession with World War II garb I shall detour with a pencil sketch of a hot chick and an experimental painting I did in Illustration  Painting B last Thursday, enjoy your distraction :)

A sleugh of things to make up for the lack of things

My Math Teacher believes that if he puts it on the white board we must swear to it like it's law. What's even better is when he writes 162.00 ... .reallly? point zero zero? Is that really necessary? He's great and he reminds me of Robin Williams - except for his jokes are very nerdy and hardly ever does the punch line actually hit, but it's cute all the same. 

A couple more Tattoos I drew for people lol I'm wracking them up now. Also a picture of another one I drew for Kayla that she got almost immediately after I sent it to her. That's 3 people  now that have my artwork permanently tattooed on their bodies ^u^ I feel super special.

And last but not least a Monochromatic Exercise for Painting of my Grandma in Acrylic, took approx. 1 hour. 

Running around in Purple Hair and Cameras





Thanks to the AMAZING Courtney Coles for doing this Photoshoot with Me :)
She's amazing and you should check her out!

On A Tank

like a boss :) I'm really happy with the way she turned out and I'm super excited to more work in my Illustration Painting class now that Annie is letting us go crazy XD

Just the beginning of a painting annnd the err finished thing for the Phobia project

The result of my bad decision to make the master copy of a colored pencil piece in acrylic 

and on a completly unrelated to art note, this is my '79 Suzuki GS750 L named Omega that me and my grandpa finally got going today XD super happy about btw

 and below is a bunch of bullshit sketchbook assignments lol

Let's Play Catch Up

We have to Master copies in my Illustration Painting Class and guess what? That's right, I'm doing mine of Erik Jone's 2008 Tata Gala Poster of Heather :) Except... I'm doing a piece he did in Colored Pencil with Acrylics. .. fuuuunnn. 

Another sneak peak of the development of my "Phobia" Project

A speed painting of the dearest and sweetest Ceara Nicholson <3

Some sketches and warm ups, because my wonderful friend Genevieve is letting me borrow her Bamboo Tablet while I finally get the chance to send off my Intous to get repaired 

And last but not least a doodle of me on my motorcycle! Her name is Omega if you didn't guess, my Grandfather has been promising me this motorcycle since I can remember she's a '79 Suzuki GS750 L class and the gas tank is a gorgeous Violet Maroon color that just about matches my hair color. Anyway, she's been sitting for 2 years but my Grandpa and I got her started today! Just gotta change the spark plugs and tomorrow we get to see if I can handle the BIG baby XD I'm so excited and nervous at the same time!